Manual for the Symbol Editor of EESchema‭ ‬/‭ 
‬KiCad‭ ‬and a symbol library for EESchema‭ 
‬/‭ ‬KiCad.
Description of the files‭ 
"‬SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-DE.pdf‭" ‬and‭ 
All files are under GNU public license by Bernd Wiebus

Despite KiCad Program works very well,‭ ‬it is rather 
complex.‭ ‬This is the reason,‭ ‬why i wrote a manual 
for a part of this projekt,‭ ‬how do create and edit symbols for 
the schematic part of KiCad,‭ ‬EESchema.‭ ‬Also there 
is a‭  ‬describtion of a bug and a workaround for this bug.
This manual is in the file‭ 
‬"SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-EN.pdf‭"‬.‭ ‬It 
belongs to the version:‭ ‬EESchema:‭ ‬Build 
Version:‭ ‬EESchema‭ (‬2006-08-28‭) 
‬-‭ ‬Unicode version
and EESchema build Version‭ 
(‬20080825c-final‭)‬.‭ ‬Operation System is Linux 
Debian‭ „‬Etch‭" ‬and‭ 
„‬Etchnhalf‭"‬,‭ ‬but the behavior with windows 
XP is just the same.‭ ‬Due to the fast progress in the work of 
Jean-Pierre Charras,‭ ‬this manual could be obsolete in some 
aspects.‭ ‬An english translation of this manual is planned,‭ 
‬but not yet ready.‭ ‬sorry.
‭"‬SymboleFuerKiCad31082009-RevC-EN.pdf‭" ‬is the 
translation of the‭  ‬german original document‭  
‬Because my english is very bad,‭ ‬i sugest you to read the 
german original version.
The file‭ „‬SymbolsSimilarEN60617+oldDIN617-RevB-en.lib‭" 
‬contains a symbol library for KiCad.‭ ‬Despite there is 
olnly a limited possibility to draw schematics for EN60617‭ ‬with 
EESchema‭ (‬as an example,‭ ‬the wire conections are 
squares and not round‭)‬,‭ ‬i made a library with 
EN60617‭ ‬similar symbols.‭ ‬This library contains all 
often used symbols like resistors,‭ ‬capacitors,‭ 
‬chokes,‭ ‬transistors and so on.‭ ‬You can use 
it like a painters palette for peripheral and discrete circuits.‭ 
‬You only need a additional library for your ICs and for special 
devices.‭ ‬This can be done,‭ ‬because the structure of 
KiCad allows it to
make the connection between a symbol and a footprint at a later step in the 
development of the board.‭ ‬Symbol and footprint are independent at 
There are also some chokes and transformer symbols for the obsolete DIN617.

And there are symbols for wire-bridges‭ 
(‬jumpers‭)‬.‭ ‬Mostly,‭ ‬those wire 
bridges are zero-Ohm resistors,‭ ‬and so they are documented at 
schematic and assembly plan and also at the bill of materials.
But sometimes you have real wire bridges‭ (‬at standart PCB and 
breadboards‭)‬,‭ ‬which are often poorly 
documented.‭ ‬This will be ok from a sight,‭ ‬who says 
that those wire bridges are normal wire.‭ ‬But because those wire 
bridges are landmarks for orientation during debugging or because the are an 
easy acces for measuring,‭ ‬it would be a pity,‭ ‬if 
they are not documented at the schematic,‭ ‬and so here are the 
symbols.‭ ‬I never saw a wire bridge symbol at any standart.

With best regards:
Bernd Wiebus alias dl1eic,‭ ‬Uedem,‭ ‬Germany‭ 
‬10th.‭ ‬September‭ ‬2009.

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