Although it does not import drill files, kicad's gerbv does load your 
gerbers (minus the drill files) and gives you a menu option to save to 
PCBNEW's format.  I don't think there is sufficient information in the 
gerber files to go backwards in a way that you will always be happy 
with.  Some of this has to do with simple lack of information.

Assuming the word "plan" means what I think it does.  The answer to your 
question is no.  That does not mean that you cannot "wish" for 
improvements in this area however.  There is an enhancement request 
thingy at the sourceforge site for Kicad.  I suspect that any serious 
evolution of gerbv will make it harder to continue to do this, not 
easier.  The internal data structures of gerbv could use a re-thinking, 
at least if editing is ever going to be supported.

Most of the developers are working on what they need, and when they do 
what others need it is only coincidental.   But a user can perhaps find 
a way to persuade a developer, if considered creatively.


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