Hi all,

I'm quite new to KiCad, only one project done yet.
(For the gallery: 
http://www.forum64.de/wbb3/index.php?page=Attachment&attachmentID=24567) Thank 
you for this tool!

It seems I found a bug in svn HEAD. 

The good use case: Create a multipart component. "Edit pins per part" in the 
toolbar ist off. Add a pin to part A, "Add to all parts in package" is off. 
Then the pin appears in all parts. Well, now I can change the pin number at the 
other parts and everything works as it should.

But when I use it a bit different, something strange happens: Add a pin and 
check "Add to all parts". Place the pin. It appears on all parts and the pin 
number is the same for all parts (cannot be changed). That's what it should be 
like, I guess. But when I uncheck (Edit) "Add to all parts" *after* having 
drawn the pin, it behaves strange. The pin seems to disappear from the other 
parts, but when I try to manually draw a pin at the other parts it tells me 
that the place is occupied already (even if it is invisible). From this point 
the part seems to be messed up until I remove the bad pin.



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