
I am another new user of Kicad and find it incredible, I have been struggling a 
lot with other PCB cad applications and Kicad is the first one that I find to 
be really user friendly, a big credit to the authors who are doing an excellent 
job. I want to get more into Kicad so am spending a lot of time to learn 
although its a slow progress.

Anyway, I have started to put together a design and created a footprint for a 
component that I cant find in any library and would also like to have a 3d 
model for it.

I am a bit familiar with 3d modeling but creating models is well beyond me, so 
I am wondering/begging if anyone out there could help me with a bit of 
modeling, to be very honest I am very crap with 3d applications like wings and 
I need a model that is similar to a T0220_vert as in the libraries.

The model I need is for a PBV Precision Current Sensing Resistor, its like the 
wider version of a TO220_vert model found in the Kicad lib but the PBV has four 
legs instead of 3, to describe it, its like having two T0220s side by side.

Here's a photo 

The pins pitch are
Pin 1 and 2 are 200mils apart
Pin 3 and 4 are 200 mils apart
The space between pin 2 and 3 is 300mils

What I am thinking is that the T0220 middle pin could be removed, then the 
T0220 is stretched then another two pins added. How that is done in 3d apps I 
have no idea and to be honest while learning wings could benefit later its too 
much to take in while also trying to get my head around Kicad, also I rarely 
use 3d apps.

Also, will I be able to add onto the board design the heat sink mounting bar, 
should this be created as a component?

The heat sink mounting bar is actually nothing more than a flat alloy plate at 
130mm x 5mm x 25mm that should also fix to the PCB design, on this plate I will 
have 5 T0220s and two PVR resistors mounted.

Best Regards


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