Hello Andy.

> The install txt makes no mention of GLIBCXX_3.4.11

Oh, yes

In an another forum ( http://www.debianforum.de (only german) i got the answer, 
that libstdc++6 4.3.2-1.1 (of debian lenny) contains only up to GLIBCXX_3.4.10.
So i should test the libstdc++6 from the lenny-backports repository of squeeze 
(at http://packages.debian.org/libstdc++6 , put it into the sources list)
But i doesn't work. But by reading this artikle again, i noticed, that i was 
urged to install libgcc1_4.4 and gcc-4.4-base also, when i use this package 
from testing/squeeze. And i forgot this.

So i will test this at the weekend again.

> Judging from the various net postings, GLIBCXX_3.4.11 is causing all
> kinds of trouble. Probablly because it is not generally available and
> users don't know exactly what package they need.
> a bit of guidance as to what is needed would be welcome.

Exactly this is the Problem. 

I hope, i can solve the problem about the weekend. And i think, the way to get 
this package would be similar in your suse, too.

With best regards: Bernd Wiebus

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