I'm working on a workshop to teach the basics of circuit design and
soldering. Instead of pen & paper drawing I'd like to give an
introduction to KiCad's PCBnew. I have a bunch of stripboards to play
with and try to make a template in eurocard size (grid 100mil). Next
step is to make a custom PCB, but regarding the costs and possibility
to extend the circuit (4AA->5V, DC/DC converter, USB charger and
microcontroller power supply) easily, I'll stick with the stripboards.

It's a two layer board and zones are placed on the back layer. Wire
straps are placed on the front layer as circuit paths and connected
through vias to the back layer.

Placing the zones (not connected, insulated copper islands) takes
ages, because I can't copy/paste them.

Is there a way to duplicate zones (Build: 20100314-R2460-final)?


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