                         Carlo, I2GOQ

--- Sab 1/5/10, n1ist <> ha scritto:

Da: n1ist <>
Oggetto: Re: R: [kicad-users] pin_array_25x2
Data: Sabato 1 maggio 2010, 00:25



      Careful - some of those footprints have holes too small for the standard 
0.025" square pins.


--- In kicad-users@ yahoogroups. com, Carlo Garberi <res_elettronica@ ...> 


> Look into "pinhead*.mod" , standard library.

> You can use the DeviceFinder utility.

> ciao

>  Carlo, I2GOQ


> --- Ven 30/4/10, Benidir Adel <benidir.adel@ ...> ha scritto:


> Da: Benidir Adel <benidir.adel@ ...>

> Oggetto: [kicad-users] pin_array_25x2

> A: kicad-users@ yahoogroups. com

> Data: Venerdì 30 Aprile 2010, 14:40


















>       Hello, I want to create a pcb so, I didn't find on the netlist 50 pin 
> IDC.


> Thanks.







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