Hi Thuan,

I thank you for your help. I am very grateful to you for your quick
response. However, I am afraid that your solution may not work in my case.
The getConstraintLog method uses Z3 C/C++ api (inside Z3Solver.cpp file) to
get the smt file. I found that small changes (that you mentioned) had to be
made in z3/src/ast/ast_smt_pp.cpp file (inside the method "display_smt2")
to get the desired smt output.

Thanks and Regards,

On 25 April 2016 at 19:39, Thuan Pham <thua...@comp.nus.edu.sg> wrote:

> Hi,
> You can update methods in ExprSMTLIBPrinter class like printConstraints
> and printQuery to modify "assert" statements and add "named" at the end of
> the assert. Following is the example code for printConstraints
> void ExprSMTLIBPrinter::printConstraints()
> {
> if(humanReadable)
> *o << "; Constraints" << endl;
> //Generate assert statements for each constraint
> for(ConstraintManager::const_iterator i= query->constraints.begin(); i !=
> query->constraints.end(); i++)
> {
> // modified by rubinovk
> *p << "(assert (!";
> //*p << "(assert ";
> p->pushIndent();
> printSeperator();
> //recurse into Expression
> printExpression(*i,SORT_BOOL);
> p->popIndent();
> printSeperator();
> //added by rubinovk
> *p << ":named a" << getAssertNum() << ")";
> *p << " )";
> //*p << ")";
> p->breakLineI();
> }
> }
> The function getAssertNum() gets the next identifier for the label. So
> using this function, you can generate query in which assert statements have
> labels like a0, a1, a2 and so on. By feeding such query into Z3, you will
> get your expected unsat core if the formula is unsatisfiable.
> Hope it helps,
> Thuan
> On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 9:44 PM, Sumit Kumar <sumit686...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anyone please tell me how to add label to each of the assert
>> statements in the smt2lib formula emitted by KLEE when getConstraintLog
>> method in Executor.cpp is called with logFormat=STP ?  Even if anyone has a
>> faint idea of how it can be done please tell.
>> P.S:This will help me to get an unsat core when I feed the constraint log
>> to z3 solver.
>> --
>> Thanks and Regards,
>> Sumit
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