on Thu, Nov 29, 2001 at 05:10:42PM -0800, Andy Tai ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

> Given the history of Free Software and Open Source (that Open Source
> is a marketing name (Bruce Perens) or marketing program (Eric Raymond)
> for Free Software), can there be any question that a software license
> the Free Software Foundation published is not Open Source?


A licenses OSI Open Source status is derived from what it allows and
disallows, not on who its author is.

> FSF may never seek OSI approval for its licenses (the source needs no
> approval from the derivative), but implicitly any GNU software license
> is Open Source... 


Karsten M. Self <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?             Home of the brave
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/                   Land of the free
   Free Dmitry! Boycott Adobe! Repeal the DMCA! http://www.freesklyarov.org
Geek for Hire                     http://kmself.home.netcom.com/resume.html

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