
I recently added a new account to KMyMoney and would have liked to validate the 
IBAN for typos and the like. As this is currently not possible in KMyMoney, I 
wrote a class IbanValidator : public QRegExpValidator that first checks a 
string whether it satisfies the basic, country-dependent criteria (length, 
numeric versus character symbols), then calculates the checksum.

Questions to the development team:
1. Is such feature worthwhile in KMyMoney?
2. If so, would you like to have it as separate "Validate!" button (my 
preference, as this makes validation voluntary; some may enter non-IBAN numbers 
such as US account numbers in the IBAN field) or enforced with a validator to 
the respective line edit?
3. Where should the templates for the country-specific definitions be stored: 
separate text file read at runtime (benefit: anybody can add if his/her 
preferred country adopts IBAN), in the source code (benefit: no setup issue; 
this is current implementation); or where else?

Those interested may have a look at an implementation, including a little GUI 
test application of both options (see question 2, above): source is on 



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