Hello All,


First of all, I would like to thank you for the awesome work. Kmymoney is a 
good tool and I use it a lot.




I was checking the report for the stock exchange « profit & loss » and I am a 
bit confused about the way it works.


Practically, it does call the price of a share stored in the price database, 
referring to a particular day. This is odd. Let me explain.


On the stock exchange market, prices are constantly moving and you can buy a 
share on the morning at 10$ and sell it during the afternoon at 12$. So how can 
the report be right then … which will be the prices selected … Moreover, you 
can also buy a share with payment due at the end of the month and you can 
postpone your payment from month to month (prorogation in English ?) In this 
case, you also get 2 operations in one day.


Other remark concerning this report: buy is plus (but you give money out) & 
sell is minus (you get money in). So if you did good operations, you find 
yourself with a “loss” in the report (minus amount). Also weird to my point of 


Finally, the report should include a dormant operation when you bought some 
shares and have not sold them already. With the quotation of the day or so (or 
average during the last month ? So the report does not figure a loss of 10’000 
$ because you’ve bought them. Even if it is not sold, it’s there and is meant 
to be sold (even in a long term view).


With those 3 points, the report would finally give a correct view of the 
“profits & losses” you’re facing over the past year, this year or whatever. Not 
a weird statement of something that is, in the end, not usable at all by anyone 
unless you did buy & sell everything, at different dates.


Generally speaking, reports for investment are really uneasy to use.




I also use the loans tool. This tool should also be reconsidered for different 
reason. Let me give you 2 examples :


1 loan in Switzerland for a house : you buy a house and get some money from the 
bank. Let us say 100’000 CHF. The Swiss system does not imply you to reimburse 
your loan. It is closer to a loan called “in fine”.

You are legally obliged to reimburse or place on a frozen account minimum 1% of 
your loan per year. So here 1’000 CHF. And you then pay an interest rate on the 
amount that is still your debt. If you reimburse the 1% each year (or each 
month) your debt is decreasing and your interests also. But if you pay those 1% 
on a frozen account, it does stay the same and every 5 year you might (or not) 
use the opportunity to place an extraordinary reimbursement. 


So for a while you may have the same monthly payment to do …


In France, some banks propose you to optimize your loans by combining 2 or more 
loans together. (not merging, combining). For instance. Your get 120’000 € from 
your bank with 2 loans. One for 40’000 € (loan 1) and one for 80’000 € (loan 
2). This money is to be given back within 10 years. (so let us approximate you 
have to reimburse 12’000 € per year).


But for optimization reasons, the 40’000 € are placed on 4 years and the 80’000 
€ on 10.


During 4 years, you’ll pay 1’000 € monthly with an interest rate of  3% and 
during the next 6 years you’ll continue to pay 1000 € a month but to reimburse 
the 80’000 € loan with a rate of 3.5%. Doing so, you get a cheaper final price 
for your loan. And of course, you can optimize this situation with as much 
level as you want (but generally 2 to 3 is enough).


Today, those 2 kinds of loans are not possible with Kmymoney or only with 
tricks (creating more than 1 loan).




Last but not least, if you want to use kmymoney-devel@kde.org you should update 
the website ;-) I was surprised to find the old address but I thought you were 
still working on both since it’s what you get from the official website.




Best Regards,


Jean-Eric Neidhardt, a user delighted by your work !


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