
On Saturday 17 November 2012 14:30:06 Alessandro Russo wrote:

> Il 17/11/2012 14:10, Thomas Baumgart ha scritto:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > On Saturday 17 November 2012 12:23:56 Cristian OneČ› wrote:
> >> Hi Thomas,
> >>
> >> I haven't had time too look at this patch while it was in reviewboard.
> >> Before checking out my mails I ran an update on my daily used kmymoney
> >> (built from master + some patches I have for personal use) and saw that
> >> the
> >> ledger was not working properly. After reading the mails I've made the
> >> connection with this commit.
> >>
> >> You can see in the attached screenshots that, with the tags feature, the
> >> scheduled transactions are no longer rendered dimmed in the ledger, this
> >> is
> >> very confusing since at first I though: "Hey, why can't I edit my regular
> >> transactions?". Secondly the selected transaction's text is no longer
> >> rendered with the selection color from the color theme (white in my
> >> case).
> >
> > I can confirm this (mis-)behavior. Can you open a bug against git master?
> > I am sure, Alessandro comes up with the necessary fix on reviewboard.
> The bug was introduced when I wrote the code for showing the tags in
> different colors.
> As a temporary fix you can comment out the following rows in
> widgets/transaction.cpp:
> 331 QTextDocument document;
> 332 document.setHtml(txt);
> 333 painter->translate(option.rect.adjusted(2, 0, -2, 0).topLeft());
> 334 document.drawContents(painter);
> 335 painter->translate(-option.rect.adjusted(2, 0, -2, 0).topLeft());
> and uncomment this row:
> 337 //style->drawItemText(painter, option.rect.adjusted(2, 0, -2, 0),
> align, option.palette, true, txt, m_selected ? QPalette::HighlightedText
> : QPalette::Text);
> I'll fix it properly as soon as possible.

I introduced a workaround in git master. Using a proper model/view concept
should solve the problem



Thomas Baumgart

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