On 24/10/13 19:17, Stanisław Szołkowski wrote:
Thanks for the answer.

1. Where I can do that list reply? I was sure that I had just done that.

No, your last two messages were to me only. I think you're using Outlook, and I'm pretty sure it will give you a choice of replying just to the sender, or to 'All'. Alternatively, when you've created your reply, at the top there will be boxes to specify 'To', ,'CC', etc. just make sure one of those includes kmymoney-devel@kde.org. I don't need an individual reply as I'll see the list reply, unless you want it not to be public.

2. -
3. I was using it successfully and one day it start crashing the program. Even 
if  reqex isn't correct anymore program shouldn't crash.

Yes, I agree.  But we can't stop it crashing unless we know the cause.

4. I think that in windows 7 or vista program files directory become some kind 
special folder that can't be edited by applications without some kind 
permissions or something
5. I know that browsers using some kind of temp folder, but I think that u need 
in code specify it and it is handled by windows (I am not sure about it)

I'm still investigating.


-----Original Message-----
From: Allan [mailto:agande...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 24, 2013 12:43 AM
To: Stanisław Szołkowski
Subject: Re: [Kmymoney-devel] A bug in the current stable release

Oh, would you please reply also to the list as it gives others a chance to 
contribute.  Also, it's many years since I used Windows, so I may not be able 
to do much more to help, but I'm sure others will.

On 23/10/13 22:56, Stanisław Szołkowski wrote:
Thank you for answer.

Other data:
OS windows 8.1

In version 4.6.3 in the same moment (after sending request to stooq.com) 
program was crashing with access violation exception. After upgrading to 4.6.4 
program close instead of crashing in the same moment.

Hmm... That's interesting, but I don't know if any changes were made in that 
area, although it could be a Windows change that came in along with 4.6.4.

Try to use TPE stock on GPW for reproducing this error. I can manually update 
stock so it is most likely connected with request handling or something.
What additional information do you need?

It finds the symbol and the date but not the price.  If you haven't ever used 
KMM successfully to update, it might be that the regex for the date is 
incorrect.  These web-sites do have a habit of changing their formats.

Unlucky my program close without any notification in bottom right corner.

It may not be the case on Windows but in the system tray, there is a 
notifications button and clicking that pops up a small window giving the file 
names used for saving the tmp file.

However I think I know what can be problem. Since it is windows and kmymoney 
most likely want to make this temp file in program files folder it doesn’t have 
permission for doing it. I think that may be a problem - program cannot create 
that tmp file without permissions it doesn’t have or maybe it is trying to 
create that file in directory that doesn't exist?

I don't think Windows has any concept of file ownership, does it, but it could 
just be a folder name issue.  Doesn't Windows have a temp folder?



-----Original Message-----
From: Allan [mailto:agande...@gmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 11:40 PM
To: Stanisław Szołkowski; kmymoney-devel@kde.org
Subject: Re: [Kmymoney-devel] A bug in the current stable release

On 23/10/13 19:53, Stanisław Szołkowski wrote:

During updating online prices of stocks (data source GPW/default from
your list) program close without any error code or something. Seems
like error in answer processing or unhadling lack of answer or error answer.
It happends everytime when using it on evey stock valor


I've jus used a fictional stock and used GPW to update it.  All that happened 
is what I would have expected - it did not find the stock, produced an error 
message and asked how to proceed.

Can you provide additional information in order to demonstrate your experience?

Before you experienced the problem, were you able to update successfully using 

Oh, I noticed on attempting again that a notification appeared briefly in the 
bottom right-hand corner of the screen giving a temporary file name in 
/tmp/kde-[yourUser-id], and on opening that temp file, there was a screen from 
http://stooq.com/ saying that cookies were required.  I accepted the 
notification and then got the screen from stooq, giving information on my 
not-so-fictional stock symbol (ccc).

I don't know if that helps you any though.


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