Hi Christian,

nice work. I would suggest the following (not knowing if it is too complex to 
implement though):

a) for informational purposes (the white I on blue) I would use the tooltip 
variant. It's not really an error but contains additional information for the 
user she could get by opening the tooltip

b) for required fields (and erroneous input) I would use the separate line 
approach and would make sure I only show the first one encountered even if 
there is more than one field that matches this situation. Once the first one 
is fixed the second one shows.

Does that sound reasonable?

Just my 0.02



On Thursday 17 April 2014 16:02:00 Christian Dávid wrote:

> Hello,
> I have a question: the forms for credit-transfers have input fields with
> "complex" validation schemes. Therefor I need a way to give feedback to the
> user.
> So here are two mockups:
> 1) Shows an icon that indicates an error. More information is given by the
> tooltip. Saves space but not so convenient for the user.
> 2) The icon is shown below the input with an error description.
> This can get confusing if all fields show an error [1].
> What do you prefer? I cannot decide, or do you have even better ideas?
> Other error/info messages could be: "Your transfer must be less than X
> EUR.", or "After this transfer the account's value will fall below 0,00
> EUR", "The purpose must be at least x characters long.".
> Greetings
> Christian
> [1] I would hide the messages in an intelligent way when the form is opened.
> So the user will not see "You must enter something" for each field.
> P.S.: Some of this development could be used in other places as well :)


Thomas Baumgart

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GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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