On 14/07/15 06:16, Briertys wrote:
I am a new user of kmymoney and after trying a number of other
alternatives I find your program pretty good.

Just a couple of small suggestions. I had some troubles in the Ledger
page, entering transactions, until I figured that the transactions and
the transaction entry (modification) sections are two separate sections.
I then found the colours bit in the settings section and changed the
alternate background colour to orange and all was clear. Suggest you
consider this for a default - to make life easier for newbies.

I'm not sure I'm understanding this. Are you talking about the Transaction form at the foot of the Ledger window? If so, there is an alternative in Settings/Configure KMM/Ledger. Uncheck the box so as not to show the Transaction form.

It can take a little time to find the optimum configuration settings to suit a user's taste.

I'm not sure I would choose orange as the alternate colour. In fact, I don't use the alternate colour. In fact, I rely on the system settings. Again, it's an individual's taste.

Also I had troubles with the Dividend re-investment Activity, and with
an Australian Tax arrangement called 'Franking (or Imputation) Credits"
. To work around this I created a Dividend Account called Dividends plus
Cash C/fwd and an account called Franking Credit.

I enter a Dividend Re-investment with franking credit as follows:

1.    Activity:    Dividend
         Security:    ABC Company (or whatever)
         Account:    Investments:Dividends plus Cash C/fwd
         Interest:    Dividend Re-investment plus Cash (Category)
(Perhaps you could rename "Interest" as Income)

2.    Activity: Buy Shares
         Security: ABC Co.
         Account:    Investments:Dividends plus Cash C/fwd     - No of
shares and price per share.

3.    For Franking Credit
         Activity:    Dividend
         Security: ABC Co.
         Account:    Investments: Franking Credit
         Interest:    Franked amount $...

It's good to see you found a method to suit your requirement. There are probably several other ways it could be done. It looks like franking is a feature just in Australia.

Otherwise a very nice product. Hope these comments are useful.

Thanks for your feedback.


Col Brierty

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