On 20/02/16 23:17, Jack Ostroff wrote:

On 2/20/2016 10:49 AM, john jefferis wrote:
I have just moved over to Linux Mint from Windows 10 and would like to
use kmymoney.  I am currently using Bank Genie, which does not run on
Linux and I have several years of data I need to move.  Bank Genie does
not have an export facility bt they suggested that if I did a backup to
a memory stick I could use that.

The backup files are all .CDX, .DBF and .FBT.  Is there any way at all
of picking these up into kmymoney?

John Jefferis

Hmm. The BankGenie site says "Flexible analytical and reporting tools,
with printing and exporting options." as well as "Export reports to
Excel, txt" with a yes for both the pro and plain version 4.  Are they
blatantly not telling the truth, or are the exports simply of no real use?


Well, perhaps it depends on what reports it can export. Or, it could be different views - the marketing and the actual view.


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