I don't pay enough attention. I saw the original, but quickly assume it was on this list, not the documentation list.

Would a reasonable summary be that when converting from Quicken, you can set up multiple accounts quickly by doing a quicken export of just the account list, then importing that QIF file into KMM, and that this can be useful if you need to alter the currency of one of the accounts before actually importing or entering any data? I can add that to the handbook section on importing from Quicken.


On 2016.03.21 07:40, Thomas Baumgart wrote:

I received this as private mail. Seems to be directed towards documentation,
so I send it out here.



----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: Fwd: Creating Accounts - Help Documentation - KMyMoney 4.7.2
Date: Sunday 20 March 2016, 10:37:35
From: HEC Smith <hecsm...@rogers.com>
To: ipwiz...@users.sourceforge.net

For your info.

HEC Smith

-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject:        Creating Accounts - Help Documentation - KMyMoney 4.7.2
Date:   Sun, 20 Mar 2016 10:23:38 -0400
From:   HEC Smith <hecsm...@rogers.com>
To:     kde-doc-engl...@kde.org

I'm using KMyMoney v4.7.2 on Win 10 64bit desktop PC

I have found that multiple accounts could be created in KMM by importing
a QIF file created by Quicken - Export - QIF - Account List (only box

The QIF file created by Quicken was of the form

N(name of bank - string - no quotes)
T(account type - string - no quotes - ex Bank, CCard, Cash, OthA, OthL,
Port (for a brokerage account) etc.  List not complete.

Example QIF file used for test of file system setup in KMM

TOth A

I found this feature very useful since immediately after the files were created, I was able to modify the currency of "BankChk2USD" account from
my base currency to USD.  Normally KMM does note allow modifying this
setting so dealing with multiple currency accounts would have been a
pain if transitioning from Quicken.

Hope this is of use.

HEC Smith

PS - I am a Quicken 2001 user messing around with KMM as my Quicken is
getting old and creaky.



Thomas Baumgart

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