On 21/03/16 19:47, Przemysław Kamiński wrote:

I would like to add Lua scripting support to KMyMoney as a plugin. This
is what I have as a draft:


One question -- when I compile KMyMoney and install it into some /tmp
directory -- does the kmymoney bin have to be executed in some special
way? I mean I add an .rc file to add 'Lua...' to the Tools menu, I guess
it has to find that .rc file somehow. If I just run
/tmp/usr/bin/kmymoney the menu entry is not there.


Where .rc files get installed is specified in the CMakeLists.txt file.
Generally, /usr/share/kde4/apps/<yourpluginname>/.

What is needed is something on the lines of

"<!DOCTYPE kpartgui>
<kpartgui name="kmymoneyplugin-csvimporter" version="0">
    <Menu name="file">
      <Menu name="import" append="import_merge">
        <Action name="file_import_csv" />
", which you'd need to adjust.

There are some tutorials like
I haven't tried this for some while so cannot guarantee all is OK, but it should give you a start.

Also, have a look at the csvimporter plugin, which I cobbled together from various sources.

Read them thoroughly to get an understanding.  You know where we are.


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