Quoting Jack Ostroff <ostrof...@frontier.com>:

On 4/2/2016 3:06 PM, via KDE Bugzilla wrote:
Another thing, theres a "Equity" account with a sub-account named "Opening
balances".  This was not there with KMM 4.6.2.. What is this account?  Some
(4/6) of the errors left are related to this account...  Knowing what it does
and its purpose will help me fix the remaining errors.

Since KMM follows proper double entry bookkeeping practice, every transaction needs to be balanced - money always comes from somewhere. When you create a new account, and give it a starting balance, that money has to come from somewhere.  That is what the "Opening balances" account is for.  It is simply a creation to hold the "other" end of every transaction that given an account its starting balance.  I think it actually was present in earlier versions of KMM, it was just better hidden.

To get to this account, right click on the opening balance transaction in any of your own accounts.  There should be an entry in the context menu "Go to 'Opening balances'".  That will open the "Opening balances" account in the ledger

NOTE:  I just tried this, and it did work, with the one issue that the name of the account at the top of the ledger stayed the name of the previous account.  If I confirm this when I get home, I'll file a bug for it.  However, it appears to only be a cosmetic issue.  It really is the "Opening balances" account which is displayed.  You can then edit the account to change its opening date. Once you fix this, feel free to post your remaining errors - perhaps just to the mailing list, since this is no longer relevant to the bug.

Hello Jack,

OK for the "Opening balances" entry.  I will ignore it until it is "fixed".  The intent of the account is also what I had thought...  One thing I did notice using 4.7.2 for production now is that it is exceptionally slower than 4.6.2.. Not sure why, but each mouse click takes between 6 & 10 seconds... Entering an account takes 10 seconds+ even if the account ledger containes less than 100 transactions.  Not sure if it is related to my previous crash?  Any way to see what takes so much effort?
 Louis-Philippe Allard
Sent from Horde Groupware - GNU/Linux

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