
On Freitag, 5. Oktober 2018 18:36:26 CEST Jack wrote:

> On 2018.10.05 07:22, Mariusz Nowicki wrote:
> > Witam serdecznie,   Mam pytanie, kiedy nastąpi aktualizacja programu  
> > w polskiej wersji (Polska) dla Windows 10 z wersji 4.8.2 do wersji 5.  
> > (plik exe.)?   Będę wdzięczny z góry za szybką odpowiedź.   Z  
> > poważaniem,  Mariusz Nowicki  Poland
> > 
> Google translate says: Hello, I have a question when the program will  
> be updated in Polish version (Poland) for Windows 10 from version 4.8.2  
> to version 5. (exe file.)? I will grateful in advance for a quick  
> response.
> Mariusz,
> I give the same answer I gave to the same question you asked  
> yesterday:  The upcoming 5.0.2 release will include a Windows  
> installer. Unfortunately, the team has recently discovered a serious  
> problem with the SQL back end.  The developers are working on this, but  
> there is currently no estimate of how long it will take.
> Any announcements about work on this issue will probably be reported on  
> this list, so this is the best place to watch for news.
> What I should add from yesterday is that I do not know whether there  
> will be a Polish translation available.  As far as I understand,  
> looking at the translation teams web pages, the program should have a  
> Polish translation available, but possibly not the handbook.
> If anyone else knows how to check for the translations, I'd appreciate  
> the links.

with https://l10n.kde.org/ being the entry point to look for other languages 
and applications.

For the polish team see https://l10n.kde.org/team-infos.php?teamcode=pl

I am also not sure how the windows packages are built. Using the current stable 
binary-factory version I see a KDE4 based splash screen which we replaced with 
a KF5 version a long time. I have no idea where this one comes from. 

@Lukasz: any idea?



Thomas Baumgart

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