Hello Tony,
Same here in KMM openSUSE Leap 15 and in Mageia 6 as well. No matter
what I try this cannot be corrected (falls always back to 4 digits).
I definitely need and was used to set the precision to at least 9 digits
and that has never been a problem in older KMM versions. But I cannot
say when this change crept in.
The good thing is that the precision settings of 9 or more digits in all
previous files/records is maintained.
On 09.07.19 11:45, Tony Bloomfield wrote:
--- Comment #4 from Tony Bloomfield <tonyb...@ntlworld.com> ---
I note that in the test file I attached, the price precision for the security
was reset to 4; this was probably my fault!
However, editing the security to change precision to 6 places makes no
difference; the price is still rounded to 4 places, and the total value is
still wrong.