--- Comment #7 from ---
(In reply to Brendan from comment #5)
> I just tried mapping AmEx. There are 3 options, kbanking, ofximporter &
> woob. I picked ofximporter.
> Everything went fine, I used Quicken 2019 and header version 103.
> When I try to download transactions, I get an internal server error. I
> assume I would neot get any transactions but can't be sure since the newest
> one is 3 years old.
> KMM does not crash at any point int he process. I'm on the latest compiled
> version from the 5.1 branch.

Thank you.  Did you compile yourself?  If not, where did you get your packages
from?  Do you have any suggestions for someone running Kubuntu 20.04.3?

Thank you!

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