
On Sonntag, 5. Dezember 2021 15:28:25 CET David Walker via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> The Operating System is Ubuntu 18.04.06
> KMymoney is V5.0.0.

That is a rather old version of KMyMoney. 

> Gnome:3.28.2
> This problem started manifesting itself about 2 months ago. I did have a 
> problem with a Multi-USB card. This card problem has been resolved, but the 
> KMymoney still persists. I tried to backup to an external USB HDD on a 
> different USB card, but experienced the same issue.

Do you have the "Mount this directory before backing up" checkbox marked or 
not? In case your USB drive is auto-mounted, mounting does not work. If the 
aforementioned option is on, turn it off and check what happens.


> envoyé : 4 décembre 2021 à 14:23
> de : Thomas Baumgart <t...@net-bembel.de>
> à : kmymoney-devel@kde.org
> Cc: David Walker <walkersinfra...@orange.fr>
> objet : Re: A bug in the current stable release
> Hi,
> On Samstag, 4. Dezember 2021 09:48:25 CET David Walker via KMyMoney-devel 
> wrote:
> When trying to backup my KmyMoney file after an update, it says "Error 
> Mounting "Destination drive. I click OK and t says "Error Unmounting 
> "Destination Drive.
> A few more pieces of information are required so that we can provide advice.
> Which operating system are you using? Which version?
> Which version of KMyMoney do you encounter these problems with?
> --
> Regards
> Thomas Baumgart
> https://www.signal.org/ Signal, the better WhatsApp
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where
> we can find information upon it. — Samuel Johnson (Boswell's Life of Johnson)
> -------------------------------------------------------------



Thomas Baumgart

https://www.signal.org/       Signal, the better WhatsApp
The impossible I do today: miracles take a little longer.

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