On 2023.01.07 08:53, Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
Not sure about the investment views, but I added some substantial
changes to the repo today that addresses the balance display issues
for regular accounts. I still have to take care of the scheduled
transactions, though.
Note: selecting the balance column for sorting is suppressed on
purpose because the balance is calculated and is the result of
sorting so it cannot be used as its source.
There is still something funny. (Version 5.1.80-b96565589) The
balance seems good (running to match the displayed order) but in a
checking (brokerage) account, I really can't tell what the sort order
is. Date is clearly first, status likely next (all are R so I can't
test), but after that, it clearly isn't amount. Security would be
irrelevant for the brokerage account, but it isn't that anyway. I'll
be glad to provide a screen shot if it would help.
I wonder if the "Normal View" tab in the sorting config needs to be
split for Investment and other account types.