On 2023.07.22 03:57, Thomas Baumgart via KMyMoney-devel wrote:
On Samstag, 22. Juli 2023 03:08:26 CEST Jeremy Whiting via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> Ok, I think I've hit the edge of my code following for the evening.
Everything in NewTransactionEditor looks right. It calls KMyMoneyUtils::newPayee which works right and finds the index of the new payee, etc. The only problem is that after it's done the NewTransactionEditor gets destructed for some reason... It gets destructed when you click Yes on the Create new payee question dialog. If you click No instead it leaves the editor, but clears out the value for the payee as expected. I'm not sure why the editor is getting destructed in the LedgerView.

This is caused by LedgerView::reset() which is called when the underlying engine state (represented by the models) changes. LedgerConcatenateModels suppresses any signals during the update of the engine objects and simply calls beginResetModel() and endResetModel() when the objects in the engine are changed. EndResetModel() calls LedgerView::reset() in the course of action.

I added that to reduce the number of sort operations on the ledgers when multiple (as in many) objects get changed as part of an action (e.g. mark transactions as cleared). Maybe, this was not the best choice. I know it's more of a sledge hammer method but works well. It's just not ideal for what we try to solve here.

So far, I have no immediate solution to this problem. But I am sure, we will find one.

I know I'm a bit out of my area here, but would it be a feasible idea to just start a countdown timer when a sort would normally be done? Only when the timer finishes would the sort actually be done. If some action would trigger a sort in the meantime - just reset the counter. As I read your description of the issue, I think this would avoid the need to suppress signals. If a signal is sent to resort - just restart the timer.


> On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 5:31 PM Jeremy Whiting <jpwhit...@kde.org> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I think there's a recent-ish bug in master. I'm not sure when I started > > hitting it since I don't often add new payees. But lately when adding a new > > transaction if you enter a new name for the payee it pops up the dialog "Do > > you want to add <foo> as a new payee?" which is how it always has been. > > However lately, clicking yes seems to add the payee to the payees, but also > > clears out the entered transaction data. It used to just add the payee and
> > let you continue to edit the rest of the transaction details.
> >
> > Clicking No clears everything just like it used to.
> >
> > With a quick dive into the code I *think* it might be a bug around
> > PayeeCreator::createPayee. I think when it calls KMyMoneyUtils::newPayee > > that works so it drops into the else block, but then somehow doesn't get an > > index from m_comboBox->findData (maybe because the combobox didn't get
> > notified of the new payee?) so it clears everything out.
> >
> > I'll dive in and see if that's the cause and see if I can find out how to > > get it added to the combobox maybe, but wanted to point it out in case it's
> > already known and maybe in progress somewhere.
> >
> > thanks,
> > Jeremy

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