On Samstag, 5. August 2023 01:25:43 CEST Jack via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> I just noticed that https://kmymoney.org/changelog starts with 5.1.0  
> Release Notes, not having more recent versions.  However, the news page  
> does have all releases up to 5.1.3, and each has a link to a changelog  
> for that version.
> I have a clone of the website source repository, and I'm working on  
> getting Jekyll set up locally, but I have not yet figured out how to  
> update that one page.
> Thanks for any pointers.

Between 5.1.0 and 5.1.1 the way release notes are created differ. There
was a request to provide direct access to the release notes (as with the
new versions) and omit the two-stage access as it used to be before.
Maybe, that change had some influence on the overall release notes page.

You can see that difference between _posts/2020-06-14-kmymoney-5-1-0-released.md
and _posts/2020-12-20-kmymoney-5-1-1-released.md

Hope that helps.



Thomas Baumgart

Remember Brooks law: adding people to a project running late will only make it 
run later!

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