On Dienstag, 15. August 2023 22:17:32 CEST Neil Ralph via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

> I recently have started using the 5.1.80 KMM on my Mac. I Note the following 
> as ptroblems or rough spots:
> - When I click on a appA.kmy in Finder, AppB loads, if that was the last KMM 
> file open. I then need to open AppA from the File menu.

That sounds like a MacOS specific bug. I expect that the Finder does not call 
KMyMoney with appA.kmy as argument. In that case (no arguments) KMyMoney opens 
the last opened file.

> - The Ledger Screen no longer have the Filter tool bar

Press Ctrl+F (key combination might be different on MacOS) to gain access to it 
when the ledger has focus. That should bring it up. The same applies to other 
views as well (not all of them yet).

> - Upon accepting a Payee in a new tranaction older versions would display a 
> number of transactions with that Payee in a large dropdown. The chosen prior 
> transaction would preload. Now there is no ability to clone these earlier 
> transactions

That might still need to be ported to the new code base. I will look into it.

> - The handling and setting of Favorite/Preferred is differnent and 
> inconsistent with v 5.1.3. Preferred checkbox can be turned off to remove an 
> accout from Fovorites and the Ledger Tabs, but cannot be turned on in the 
> Account Edit window. One can check the box and Apply but the the status 
> doesn't change

The ledger code has been completely overhauled and improved so that multiple 
accounts can be opened side by side in tabs. The opened account tabs and their 
order are stored when the program exits. When KMyMoney opens the file again, it 
reloads those tabs in the ledger view and maintains the order. In case no tabs 
are opened during opening of the file, the ledgers of the accounts marked as 
preferred (favorite accounts) are opened instead.

In 5.1.3 the preferred flag was only used to show those accounts in the special 
Favorite group. Multiple tabs in the ledger view is a new feature in master.

I just noticed, that one can turn off the Preferred flag but cannot turn it on 
again. I will look into that.

> I hope this is helpful

Oh yes, it certainly is. Hope my answers do as well. Thanks for your support 
also on identifying the issue reported on 

BTW: 5.1.80 is our version synonym for 'git master' which can change often.



Thomas Baumgart

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