--- Comment #3 from Jack <> ---
aqbanking works just fine, as far as I know, but I don't use it as I'm in the
US, and ofx is the best the banks here offer.  I would have to hunt for it, but
aqbanking documentation should exist outside of KMM.  
woob SHOULD be found by KMM if it is installed, although I suppose it is
possible it is getting confused about the location.
The next thing to do is invoke the Settings/Configure KMyMoney... menu item,
select the Plugins item on the left side, and find the entry for woob.  If it
is present, there might be a checkbox to enable it.  However, I suspect it will
not be there, indicating KMM did not find it.  
In that case, you need to start KMyMoney from console.  I have no access to a
Win11 system, so I don't know the terminology, but you need to bring up a
terminal or console (it used to be CMD.)  Then just enter "kmymoney" and hit
enter.  If that complains about it not being found, you need to enter the full
path to the kmymoney.exe file.  When you do that, there will be lots of output
to the console.  You will need to hunt through that to find any messages about
woob.  It should say where it looked for the plugin.  Post the relevant lines
here, and also where woob is actually installed, and we'll figure out how to
make KMM find it.

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