I'm again looking at the problem that configuring a net worth report and removing any asset account causes all stock accounts to be excluded from the report. (https://discuss.kde.org/t/wierd-behavior-when-using-filters-in-reports/4624/8 and https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=460079.) I'm trying to figure out what (if anything) I am doing differencly, because I'm sure the last time I tested this (only days ago) I experienced the problem in both 5.1 and master branch builds, but today, I do NOT see the problem in master.

However, in process of trying to find the cause, I've again tripped over the problem that we use the terms equity and security in multiple ways. Equity accounts are the accounts that hold the opening balance for each used currency, but the terms are often mixed when referring to the stock accounts within investment accounts. Further, I just noticed that the configuration item on the Filter tab of the General configuration dialog which is labeled "Show equity accounts" it actually named kcfg_ExpertMode. I assume there is some historic reason for this, but I'd love to see it changed, as something called ExpertMode implies more than one effect of toggling it, or at least that it effects the behavior relative to more than one type of object.

As I am currently working an a complete review of the handbook for the eventual release of 5.2, would it be reasonable for me use the term "Opening Balance" instead of Equity as the type of these accounts? (I can certainly mention that the other term was previously used for these.) If I do, then the question is whether and how soon we could also update all such references in the code. For now, I will refrain from also trying to do anything about the naming of the Securities and Equities tabs on the Investment View, although I'd love to hear any suggestions.

Are there any hidden reasons not to work on this?


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