On 4/10/24 2:20 PM, nyc119 via KMyMoney-devel wrote:

   I am having a problem importing a CVS or OFX file in kmymoney.
It said the date format is incorrect.(Red highlights)
I go to the drop down window and pick the correct one and hit next.
and it repeating the error after I made the changes.
I have Windows 10..
Thank you
The attachment didn't come through. Can you just copy/paste the atual error message? Are you sure the format you chose is valid for every date in the file? For the csv version, you could try splitting it up and importing half at a time, and then split one of those if it still gives the error.
  • import cvs file or nyc119 via KMyMoney-devel
    • Re: import cvs file or Jack via KMyMoney-devel

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