
Knot DNS doesn't restrict any domain names. The problem you encountered is 
related to the presentation format
of the records. If you use kdig for AXFR, some characters are escaped (e.g. 
colon), and such a zone file is accepted
by our parser. Obviously, other implementations are more tolerant in this way. 
I'm not aware of any rules on this.


On 03. 07. 24 21:15, Randy Bush wrote:

The IDN transformation doesn't apply to AXFR nor to zone file flush,
the domain names are always encoded in Punycode (xn--).
You only must ensure that the input zone file doesn't contain Unicode

RFC 2181 ยง11 on Name Syntax

    Implementations of the DNS protocols must not place any restrictions
    on the labels that can be used.  In particular, DNS servers must not
    refuse to serve a zone because it contains labels that might not be
    acceptable to some DNS client programs.  A DNS server may be
    configurable to issue warnings when loading, or even to refuse to
    load, a primary zone containing labels that might be considered
    questionable, however this should not happen by default.

anaand tested and says that

BIND and NSD are correct here: they just load the zone (BIND needs to
be configured to do so, but it provides the option).

If you still have any issues with the zone, please send me the source
zone file for investigation.




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