--- Comment #14 from Frédéric Demians <> ---
Test plan for Bug 7688:

Create a new subscription:

  - Go to Serials module and click "New subscription" button
  - On the first page, choose a biblio and click next to go to the
    second page
  - Pick a first issue publication date
  - Choose frequency '1/day'
  - Choose a subscription length of 15 issues
  - Choose a subscription start date
  - Choose numbering pattern 'Volume, Number'
  - A table appears, fill 'Begins with' cells with '1'
  - Click on 'Test prediction pattern' button

The prediction pattern is displayed at the right of the page. You can
see in it the serial number, the publication date and a checkbox to
allow you to choose which serials will not be received (irregularities).

You can see that serial number start from "Vol 1, No 1" continue to "Vol
1, No 12" and then restart with "Vol 2, No 1".

Frequency is '1/day' so you can see that publication date is incremented
by one day line after line.

  - Now you can play a little with frequencies and numbering patterns,
    change one of them (or both) and click again on 'Test prediction
  - For example, choose frequency '3/weeks' and click on 'Test
    prediction pattern' button'.

There is a little behaviour change compared with current master.
Publication date will not be guessed within the week. Koha can't know
when you will receive issues. So the publication date stay the same
(monday of each week) for 3 consecutive issues and then jump to the next

  - Now choose frequency '1/3 months' and numbering pattern 'Seasonal'
  - Fill 'Begins with' cells with '2012' for Year and '0' for Season
  - Click on 'Test prediction pattern'
  - You should have something like 'Spring 2012', 'Summer 2012', ...,
    'Winter 2012', 'Spring 2013'
  - Note that you can have seasons for south hemisphere by entering '2'
    in 'Year/Inner counter'
  - 2nd note: if you have some locales installed on your system, you can
    type its name in the 'Locale' field (actually it does not work for
    seasons name, only for month names and day names)

If you want to modify the numbering pattern you can still do it here:

 - Click on 'Show/Hide advanced pattern' link. The advanced pattern
   table is shown but all fields are readonly
 - Click on 'Modify pattern' button. All readonly fields are now
   editable. Note that 'Begins with' and 'Inner counter' line are
   repeated here and any modifications in the small table will be
   replicated in the big table, and vice versa.
 - Pattern name is emptied, if you type a new name, a new pattern will
   be created, and if you type the same name as an existing numbering
   pattern, this one will be modified (with a confirmation message)
 - There is two new lines in this table:
   - Label: it's what is displayed in the smaller table headers above
   - Numbering: used to format numbers in different ways. can be
     'seasons', 'monthname' or 'dayname'. Month name and day name can be
     localized using the 'Locale' field. Seasons can't (values for
     english and french are hard-coded in
 - You can modify what you want in the table and click on 'Test
   prediction pattern' button each time you want to see your
   modifications. (Note that checkboxes for irregularities aren't displayed
   in this mode, and you can't save the subscription until you have saved
   or cancelled your changes).
 - To cancel your modifications, just click on 'Cancel modifications'
 - To save them, click on 'Save as new pattern'. If the pattern name is
   already existing, a confirmation box will ask you if you want to
   modify the existing numbering pattern. Otherwise a new pattern will be
   created and automatically selected.

Once you have finished modifying numbering pattern. You can click again
on 'Test prediction pattern' to define irregularities, and then click on
'Save subscription'.

Now you can check the serials module still works correctly:

 - Check the subscription detail page to confirm that nothing is
   missing. Especially the 'Frequency' and 'Number pattern' infos
 - Try to receive some issues. Check that the serial number is correctly
   generated and if irregularities you have defined are taken into
   account (if you have defined some).
 - Check that receiving is blocked once you have reached the number of
   issues you have defined in subscription length (or once you have
   reached the subscription end date)

In serials menu (to the left of almost each page of serials menu) you
have two new links: 'Manage frequencies' and 'Manage numbering

'Manage numbering patterns' lead to a page which list all numbering
patterns and allow you to create, edit or delete them. The interface is
almost the same as numbering pattern modification in

'Manage frequencies' lead to a page which list all frequencies and allow
you to create, edit or delete them.

Try to create a new frequency:
 - Click on 'Manage frequencies' link in the serials menu and then click
   on 'New frequency':
 - Fill in the description (mandatory).
 - Unit is one of 'day', 'week', 'month', year' or 'None' ('None' is for
   an irregular subscription)
 - If unit is different from 'None' you have to fill the two following
   fields (Issues per unit, and Units per issue)
 - Note that at least one of those must be equal to 1
 - Issues per unit is the number of received issues by 'unit' and Units
   per issue is the number of 'unit' between two issues
 - Display order is used to build the drop-down list. Leave empty and it
   will be set to 0 (top of the list)
 - Then click on 'Save'
 - Check that this new frequency appears in the frequencies table and in
   the drop-down list in

Subscription history has been moved in its own page. To test if it still
works, choose a subscription with manual history enabled (or modify an
existing subscription to turn on manual history).

 - On the detail page, tab 'Planning', you should have a link 'Edit history'.
 - Click on it
 - Modify history and click on Save
 - In tab 'Summary' you should have the infos you just entered

And finally, you can check that old subscriptions (by old I mean
subscriptions that existed before the update) are correctly linked to an
existing numbering pattern and an existing frequency. Numbering patterns
should be named 'Backup pattern X' where X is a number.

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