--- Comment #4 from Heather <> ---
Oh, Jason, your thoughts are so cataloging-tastic!!

(Please note, all my remarks are MARC21-centric.)

Authority records have long had a role in this sort of clustering, e.g., see
this authority record for The Hobbit by Tolkien:

And the work record here:
Every expression of this work will have the authorized 100 field for Tolkien
and a 240 10 Hobbit
With the 245 field reflecting the transcribed title of the expression.  The
100/240 pairing is used (with the cross references in the authority record to
facilitate searching) to cluster the expressions (and manifestations) under the
work record.  (With the 1XX in the bib having the $9 containing the record
number of the author/title authority record?  And/or the 240 having this $9? 
I'm not sure how it's currently working--I could look into it & experiment if
it's helpful.)

But not all works have authority records, and authorities can be a big learning
curve.  And not all bibs with a 1XX/240 pairing have authority records.

If Koha could use the pre-RDA (and early RDA) 1XX/240 pairings to cluster, that
would be fabulous.  If this could be a simple matter of developer magic, that
would be lovely!

But, yes, 7XX Linking Entry Fields are wonderful and can also be used!!!  It's
what they are there for, and where RDA is going--they're going to be used more
and m ore.  All linking entry links in Koha would have to be functional, but
that's another bug(s) and soapbox...:)  A 775 is perfect for actual other
editions (you cataloger, you, Jason!), but you would sometimes have a 776
("Additional Physical Form Entry") for ebooks of a book, audiobooks of a book,
etc.--that is, e.g., an audiobook would have the 776 linking back to the print
book from which it was read, and also a 775 back to the work record--so a bib
record would have to be created for the work.  This is really easy to do, and I
think it would be easier for a lot of libraries to do than to wade into
authorities.  Because you have to have something to put into the $w of the
775--a record number (for OCLC libraries, its typically an OCLC record number
in the corresponding 001 bib record).

It would be very possible to automate this--once a bib record set is created of
the expressions, and a work bib record is created, the identical 775 could be
placed in all the manifestations of the bib.

But, then again, wouldn't it be nice if there could be some developer magic
that would allow the library to set the matching threshold, and then a search
would just cluster the similar bibs together, based on matching 1XX and/or 24X
fields?  (And absolutely clustering those bibs that have an authority record
with corresponding 1XX/240, or 130, or those bibs with 1000% matching 775s?)


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