--- Comment #31 from Emily Lamancusa <> 
I wrote up a test plan to keep myself organized while testing different tables
and states...sharing in case someone else gets to it before me and would like
to use it. (also open to feedback :) )

- test a variety of tables
- must include both tables that use KohaTable ( and
kohaTable (datatables.js)

For reference: tables that use kohaTable (based on a git grep):
- patron search (patrons_table)
- acqui/ (pending_orders)
- admin/ (table_jobs)
- admin/ (libraries)
- admin/ (table_cities)
- admin/ (identity_provider_domains)
- admin/ (identity_providers)
- admin/ (search_filters_table)
- admin/ (smtp_servers)
- catalogue/ (table_concerns)
- catalogue/ (bundle_table)
- cataloguing/ (table_concerns)
- pos/ (table_cashups)
- tools/ (quotes)

Test plan per table:
1. Edit the config to hide some columns and disable "save state"
2. Test that the "clean" page matches the config settings
3. Make some client-side changes
    a. Hide one or more showing columns
    b. Show one or more hidden columns
    c. Change number of results to display
    d. Add a search filter
4. Navigate away from that page and back
5. Confirm that the state was not saved and the page matches the config
6. Navigate away from that page
7. Edit the config to enable "save state"
8. Return to the page and confirm that it matches the config settings
9. Make some client-side changes
    a. Hide one or more showing columns
    b. Show one or more hidden columns
    c. Change number of results to display
    d. Add a search filter
10. Navigate away from the page and back
11. Confirm that all of the changes were retained

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