--- Comment #8 from David Cook <> ---
I think we'd need to very thoroughly test this change.

* As a first change, why don't we do some code for capturing the user's
timezone, setting the cookie, and then storing it in their session? There's no
harm in doing that immediately, as it would be a very simple change to make.
This can be pushed as a standalone change. (In prod, I don't think we'd want to
allow users to change their timezone setting in the app, but in test it would
be handy to be able to change your timezone for testing the below changes...)

* A second step could be to just convert from the server TZ to the user's TZ
for display. Since it's just display, bugs wouldn't have long-lasting
consequences, and in many cases the converted times would probably be the same,
although we could take some time to analyze this (I have a number of clients in
different timezones than me). This could also be pushed following step one.

* A third step... I suppose would be converting user's TZ to server TZ for
storage. (In many cases, this will probably be the same or similar time, so any
bugs should be minor.)

* Fourth step would then be to convert from server TZ to UTC. (Hopefully by
this point the main mechanisms have been tested and trialled in prod over


I think that I'd feel a lot more comfortable following a plan like that. Doing
everything at once scares me. 

Trying to recover from bugs with a switch to UTC will be a really difficult
challenge for people like me who live in timezones at the extreme end of
variation from UTC (like +11:00, +14:00, -12:00).

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