David Nind <> changed:

           What    |Removed                     |Added
            Version|unspecified                 |Main
                 CC|                            |
  Text to go in the|                            |This fixes the options for
      release notes|                            |the number of entries to
                   |                            |show for patron search
                   |                            |results in the staff
                   |                            |interface - 20 was listed
                   |                            |twice.
           Severity|enhancement                 |normal

--- Comment #3 from David Nind <> ---
Testing notes (using KTD):
1. In the staff interface, go to Patrons > click the search button under the
"Search for patron" section on the left.
2. In the results, select the dropdown list to change the number of entries for
the results (the default is 20).
3. Note that 20 appears twice.
4. Apply the patch.
5. Restart everything: restart_all
6. Repeat steps 1-2:
   ==> Result: 20 only appears once

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