--- Comment #2 from David Nind <> ---
Created attachment 177135
Bug 38847: Fix error when renewing an expired child patron without a guarantor

This fixes an internal server error when renewing an expired
child patron without a guarantor, when the ChildNeedsGuarantor
is set to "must have".

Test plan:
1. Create or edit a child patron:
   - Don't add a guarantor.
   - Set the "Expiry date" to a date in the past.
2. Set the ChildNeedsGuarantor system preference to "must have".
3. Refresh or view the patron's check out or details page, and
   select the "Renew" link under the attention heading -
   this generates an internal server error message.
4. Apply patch.
5. Repeat step 3, you will now get a standard error message
   "This patron could not be renewed: they need a guarantor."
6. Add a guarantor for the patron.
7. Repeat step 3, and click "Renew" - the patron is now renewed.

Signed-off-by: David Nind <>

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