Le 14/04/2011 17:10, Ian Walls a écrit :
> Fellow Kohackers,

> Do any of you have a favour script or suite of scripts (or even a
> method) for doing load testing against a Koha installation?  I know
> there are some scripts available in misc/load_testing, but my
> understanding is they aren't terribly useful or current.  Is that correct?
I did use ab and siege.
But siege is my favourite.
The nice thing with siege is that you can input a url file that will do
the search with all the url provided.
I used a TransferLog from apache, (One or two days) edited to suit the
siege format for input and that was VERY useful for load testing.
provides that kind of output

** SIEGE 2.70
** Preparing 30 concurrent users for battle.
The server is now under siege...^C
Lifting the server siege..      done.
Transactions:                    450 hits
Availability:                  100.0 %
Elapsed time:                  64.00 secs
Data transferred:               2.82 MB
Response time:                  4.25 secs
Transaction rate:               7.03 trans/sec
Throughput:                     0.04 MB/sec
Concurrency:                   29.92
Successful transactions:       31806
Failed transactions:               0
Longest transaction:            7.37
Shortest transaction:           0.00

The nice thing is that you can use -v to see which elements have errors.

> Something that can throw a user-configured amount of punishment at a
> Koha server, then report on the results, would be ideal.  The output
> should include both the user perspective (response times) and what's
> happening on the machine (memory/CPU usage, query times, etc) in the
> context of the machine's specifications.
Having both in one software would not be possible unless you have a
client and server script to do that... But then ... it could be like an
auditer having some interests in the place. But I may be mislead.

You can use munin or nagios to inspect the server while load testing.

> If all this data can be compiled for various configurations, I think
> we'd have the makings of a fine, evidence-based Koha Tuning Guide.

We already have bits in the koha-devel list for that.
We would need to compile those bits into an administration/setup guide
though on the wiki. #idea
Hope that helps.
Henri-Damien LAURENT
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