
On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 1:03 PM, Doug Dearden <dear...@sarsf.org> wrote:
> Reading this thread I think the core issue is this.  Can a *big* enhancement 
> that has been
> developed by one company be signed off by that company as well.  Currently 
> the work
> flow suggests that anything more than minor bugs should not be signed off by 
> someone
> in the same company.  However, if within the company developer A has done the 
> work,
> developer B has tested it and signed off internally, and it is in use at a 
> library that the
> company supports and is running without issue, then is that enough to allow 
> it to be
> pushed to the master branch of that release?  I think it is.

I disagree.  Successful use in a library is evidence that the feature
meets that particular library's needs.  It is not sufficient evidence
that the implementation of the feature is good and does not interfere
with other libraries' use of Koha.  It is also not sufficient evidence
that the work has been constructed, documented or explained enough for
other users or developers to understand, build on, or enhance the

The larger the feature, the more independent review matters.  I would
consider one developer working for a given employer signing off on the
work of another employee to be the bare minimum of acceptable process,
and for small patches, that's often enough.  For larger features,
particularly ones that involve architectural changes, I will make a
flat out assertion: sign-offs within the same employer doesn't cut it.
 It has to work well enough and be explained well enough that, at
minimum, the QA manager and the release manager can understand it and

One key thing is that larger features *must* be developed
incrementally, in the open, and with as much discussion as possible.


Galen Charlton
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