Le 24/10/2011 20:30, Ian Walls a écrit :
> Everyone,

Everyalone, (french joke suspected ;-) )

> In an effort to make patch submission and quality assurance easier on
> everyone for this next release cycle, I've got some proposals to run by
> you all.
> 1.  In Bugzilla, move the Koha Bugs List from being the Default QA
> Contact to a Global Watcher.  This has two advantages:
>      1. It frees up the QA Contact field for use by the QA Team
>      2. It guarantees that the Bugs List always gets included on the
> changes; with the current set up, someone could in theory remove the
> Bugs List as QA contact, preventing the list from getting updates.


> 2.  To reduce email traffic, I propose we stop sending SIGNED OFF
> patches to the patches list.  We've got Bugzilla lists (which can be
> connected to RSS and daily croned emails) which will inform the QA team
> on what patches are ready for QA.  I did not use the patches list much
> this last release cycle to direct my QA work; it was all based of the
> Bugzilla statuses

+1 (and already decided I think. At least i've updated the wiki that way
2 hours ago !)

> 2a.  Ideally, I'd like to set up Bugzilla to automatically send the
> patches to the listserv for us, or to be able to accept patches sent to
> the listserv as attachments.  This is going to take some custom coding,
> so it's probably not practical for right now.

+1 (and same comment : it would be great, but I don't know how to do it
for instance)

> 3.  Now that I'm not the only QA person for the release cycle, I'd like
> to formalize our rules about making sure that any submitted patch
> doesn't get processed solely by one company.  I felt uncomfortable every
> time I passed a patch both written and signed off by ByWater teammates,
> because while I was sure it was good code, I knew I had a bias (often
> times, the code was fixing an issue one of our partners had reported). 
> My strategy for 3.6 was to acknowledge the bias, and ask if anyone had
> any objections.  With 3.8, I can pass anything that I write, or that is
> written/signed-off by ByWater alone, to Marcel or Jonathan for QA testing.
> Here're the rules I'd like to see in place:
>  1. A patch may not be written and signed off by the same person
>     (existing rule)

>  2. The QA team consists of the Release Manager, the Quality Assurance
>     Manager, and the Quality Assurance Assistants.  This team has the
>     right to move a patch through QA.

>  3. The QAM delegates the QA work between himself and the QAAs, in
>     accordance with the rules.
OK, but how will you 3 decide who-QA-what ? module by module ? 1st who
shoot ? regular meeting to assign QA ? other ?

>  4. A patch may not be written and QA'ed by the same person

+1, no doubt

>  5. A patch may not be written, signed off and QA'ed by any group of
>     people in the same institution

You mean the 3 (writter-signoffer-QAer) can't be from the same
institution ? So 2 can be OK ? I agree then.

>  6. A patch MAY be signed off and QA'ed by the same member of the QA
>     team, but the RM may challenge this if he feels the patch needs more
>     testing.  Rule 5 still applies in this case.

+1 And it's not only a matter of "sign-off & QA by the same member". for
major patches, I may/will request more testing than just 1 sign-off. in
a few cases, Chris asked for more testing (when it was MARC sensible,
for example), I'll continue that way (and maybe be harder than him) it
may be worth adding a line about that.

> Comments?  Ideas?  Counter-proposals?

A few comments:
 * for trivial patches (like template changes, comment/doc), I wouldn't
object to have a short circuit (just 1 of QA/sign-off for example)

 * I'm OK to be a member of the QA team (as RM, see #2). And I'll
introduce a little change in RM stuff: I may/could push a patch without
testing it myself. I'm not sure yet, but I feel that if a patch has been
written by Nicole, signed-off by Katrin, QAed by Marcel, in some
situations, i will trust them. For now I don't know if this possibility
will arise, but it could. My idea here is to have more time to
communicate/organize/improve team working/... I'll see and let you know
if it happens.

 * can we say "RM has the final cut" about accepting a patch ?

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