Am 23.03.12 17:23, schrieb Ian Walls:
> According to rule SQL6 of our Coding Guidelines (
>, backquotes
> are not acceptable, as they are a MySQL-ism.  Part of the duty of QA is to
> verify that the coding guidelines are met, so it is reasonable to say that
> such markings *should* be stripped out of any new incoming patches.  As to
> whether having them results in a "Failed QA" or a followup/rebased patch
> from a QA team member is up to the discretion and availability of that team
> member.
> I know I've been a little lax with this one, as we're still rife with
> backquotes in our SQL, and one or two more lines aren't going to add any
> significant additional work to our cleanup efforts.  My primary interest is
> consistency, because it makes for easier to read and maintain code.  Once
> we have done the majority of this cleanup, I'll become stricter about
> backquotes.
> The ultimate goal here, to the best of my understanding, is database
> independence, of which PostgreSQL support is a consequence.  We should do
> our best to adhere to standards in all regards; by following SQL standard
> practices, we give ourselves more flexibility and adaptability, and
> decrease the overall potential workload throughout time.

It is on my todo lists to very soon go through the code and provide a
patch that removes the backquotes.  I think we are on a good road now,
and I try to provide small patches, that address one single problem each.

While database independence is a noble goal, it is not achievable.  You
can support some databases, but not all, at least if you want to use
some of the more advanced features a DB system has to offer you.  And in
an advanced and large application like Koha is, you probably want that.

My guess is, that adding support for a second database will show what
can be done and what not.

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