Hi Ere,

I think you're right about the refs. While they get resolved by the OpenAPI 
plugin, you probably have to resolve them before trying to dynamically inject 
the routes from plugins. 

Jan Thorsen (the author of Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI and JSON::Validator) 
thinks that the ref resolution is actually what's taking so long. I looked it 
up and I think we have over 400 different references in the main OpenAPI spec 
alone. I haven't profiled it but something to think about.

At some point, I'm going to have a play with newer versions of the modules. I'm 
gong to look at Ubuntu 20.04 and newer Debian versions to see what I can get 
away with in terms of newness. Needs more investigation, but I am really hoping 
that this is an issue that can be solved by just upgrading the OS. 

I find Jan's code to be unnecessarily opaque (could use more descriptive 
comments and function naming) but... I'll investigate. Probably not right away 
as I have a bunch of other priorities that I have to address but... this is on 
my mind.

Starman startup time is probably the thing about Koha annoying me the most 
right now and probably the most practical thing I can improve at the moment...

David Cook
Software Engineer
Prosentient Systems
Suite 7.03
6a Glen St
Milsons Point NSW 2061

Office: 02 9212 0899
Online: 02 8005 0595

-----Original Message-----
From: Ere Maijala <ere.maij...@helsinki.fi> 
Sent: Wednesday, 21 April 2021 6:31 PM
To: dc...@prosentient.com.au; koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Optimizing Starman startup

Hi David,

I wish I'd remember all the details, but my memory fails me. I think not using 
JSON had something to do with how the refs are resolved. That may or may not 
have been the reason, but if everything works with JSON module, I can't think 
of a reason not to use it.

Thanks for taking a look!


dc...@prosentient.com.au kirjoitti 21.4.2021 klo 3.28:
> Hi Ere,
> Thanks for your reply. 24700 looks much better. I'll look at backporting it 
> locally.
> Although I'm looking at JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious at 
> https://metacpan.org/pod/release/JHTHORSEN/Mojolicious-Plugin-OpenAPI-2.19/lib/JSON/Validator/OpenAPI/Mojolicious.pm
>  and it says "Do not use this module directly. Use 
> Mojolicious::Plugin::OpenAPI instead." I notice that you're using the 
> "bundle" method. Do we really need that there? Why don't we just load the 
> JSON using the JSON module, merge with the plugin spec files, and then pass 
> it to the OpenAPI plugin? Shouldn't the plugin take care of the $ref 
> replacement?
> Hmm... I didn't realize until now that the OpenAPI plugin was doing a 
> validate behind the scenes. That's tricky.
> At a glance, we might be able to pre-load the app into the Starman 
> master process pre-fork. There are warnings about doing that with open 
> database connections, so we'd need to review plack.psgi, but a quick 
> glance suggests it might be OK. (Alternatively, I have wondered about 
> running the REST API as a separate process apart from Starman using 
> hypnotoad. According to 
> https://docs.mojolicious.org/Mojolicious/Guides/Cookbook, 
> Mojo::Server::Prefork preloads the application in the manager/master 
> process, and Hypnotoad is based off that, so that would help.)
> It does seem like changes to the OpenAPI plugin would be needed for caching.
> I'm going to try backporting your change and try pre-loading and see how far 
> that gets me.
> David Cook
> Software Engineer
> Prosentient Systems
> Suite 7.03
> 6a Glen St
> Milsons Point NSW 2061
> Australia
> Office: 02 9212 0899
> Online: 02 8005 0595
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Koha-devel <koha-devel-boun...@lists.koha-community.org> On 
> Behalf Of Ere Maijala
> Sent: Tuesday, 20 April 2021 4:48 PM
> To: koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org
> Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] Optimizing Starman startup
> Hi,
> I did some work on improving it here:
> https://bugs.koha-community.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=24700
> That shaved a good bit of time from it, but it's still a heavy 
> operation, and it would make sense to
> 1.) avoid doing it too often
> 2.) cache the results and avoid doing it if results are cached
> If you could address the first one, that'd go a long way. I'm afraid the 
> second one would require changes to the OpenAPI plugin to support caching.
> --Ere
> dc...@prosentient.com.au kirjoitti 20.4.2021 klo 6.15:
>> Hi all,
>> Do you despair when you see the following periodically in “top” when 
>> a starman worker is recreated ?
>>     PID USER      PR  NI    VIRT    RES    SHR S  %CPU %MEM     TIME+
>> 9529 my-koha  20   0  460108 197212  17172 R 100.0  0.4   0:03.41
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> Or the following in top when you install koha-common package or 
>> restart the koha-common service?
>> 11101 1-koha  20   0  447232 193320  16076 R   10.6  0.4   0:09.09
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11168 1-koha  20   0  447240 193264  16056 R   10.6  0.4   0:08.72
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11306 2-koha  20   0  447220 193148  16000 R   10.6  0.4   0:08.07
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11543 2-koha  20   0  447232 193036  15828 R   10.6  0.4   0:07.07
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11784 3-koha  20   0  441536 189664  16172 R   10.6  0.4   0:06.04
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11830 3-koha  20   0  439548 187212  15748 R   10.6  0.4   0:05.82
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11831 4-koha  20   0  438620 186344  15748 R   10.6  0.4   0:05.81
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> 11853 4-koha  20   0  437680 185672  16000 R   10.6  0.4   0:05.79
>> /usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl
>> Well, I still have a lot of investigation left to do, but I notice 1 
>> place that a lot of time taken is here (per worker):
>>       my $validator = JSON::Validator::OpenAPI::Mojolicious->new;
>>       $validator->load_and_validate_schema(
>>           $self->home->rel_file("api/v1/swagger/swagger.json"),
>>           {
>>             allow_invalid_ref  => 1,
>>           }
>>         );
>>       push @{$self->routes->namespaces}, 'Koha::Plugin';
>>       my $spec = $validator->schema->data;
>>       $self->plugin(
>>           'Koha::REST::Plugin::PluginRoutes' => {
>>               spec      => $spec,
>>               validator => $validator
>>           }
>>       );
>>       $self->plugin(
>>           OpenAPI => {
>>               spec  => $spec,
>>               route =>
>> $self->routes->under('/api/v1')->to('Auth#under'),
>>               allow_invalid_ref =>
>>                 1,    # required by our spec because $ref directly
>> under
>>                       # Paths-, Parameters-, Definitions- & 
>> Info-object
>>                       # is not allowed by the OpenAPI specification.
>>           }
>> );
>> Anyone have ideas for improving this? Do we have to validate the 
>> schema every time? Can we move the schema validation into a different 
>> module and preload it into Starman using the -M flag so that it’s 
>> done
>> 1 time per Starman master instance rather than 1 time per Starman worker 
>> instance?
>> I find “/usr/share/koha/api/v1/app.pl” to be the bane of deployments, 
>> as it puts a massive load on a server, when you have multiple Koha 
>> instances on the server.
>> David Cook
>> Software Engineer
>> Prosentient Systems
>> Suite 7.03
>> 6a Glen St
>> Milsons Point NSW 2061
>> Australia
>> Office: 02 9212 0899
>> Online: 02 8005 0595
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>> Koha-devel mailing list
>> Koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org
>> https://lists.koha-community.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/koha-devel
>> website : https://www.koha-community.org/ git :
>> https://git.koha-community.org/ bugs :
>> https://bugs.koha-community.org/
> --
> Ere Maijala
> Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland 
> _______________________________________________
> Koha-devel mailing list
> Koha-devel@lists.koha-community.org
> https://lists.koha-community.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/koha-devel
> website : https://www.koha-community.org/ git : 
> https://git.koha-community.org/ bugs : 
> https://bugs.koha-community.org/

Ere Maijala
Kansalliskirjasto / The National Library of Finland

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