Brendan Gallagher writes

> Friday evening here (west coast USA), Saturday evening in New
> Zealand.  Chris Cormack was showing quite a few of the developers
> that hang out in the IRC #koha channel - his testing database of
> koha - fed through nginx and FastCGI.

  I could not get it to run with Apache's mod_fcgi

> I was absolutely amazed at the speed that pages from the opac were
> being delivered and watching some of the tests with speed
> comparisons between apache and nginx. I want to learn more. So, I
> would like to propose or maybe ask chris - if he would schedule a
> time that he could demo or even give a tutorial on nginx and FastCGI
> on the IRC channel (which is a good medium because those who can't
> make it will be able to read the logs).  I am hoping that others get
> encouraged and want to investigate the possibilities.

  Does the speed increase come more from FastCGI or more from
  using nginx instead of Apache? I generally don't like Apache,
  but using a different web server means finding a box where you
  run just that server or convert all servers to the alternative
  servers. Both approaches are costly. 

  I could give it a try to get it to run if Chris posts his
  nginx vhost file. 


  Thomas Krichel          
                                               skype: thomaskrichel
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