Thanks a lot to PTFS for contributing back to Koha its customer's code.

> I'm hoping that PTFS can help creating these branches, but anyone can 
> do so at let me know where to pull from. They need to have the changes 
> isolated if possible and be based on new_features. (Which at the 
> moment tracks master).

A very valuable and detailed documentation is available in "Harley":

It would be great if PTFS technical redactor who edited this precious 
document could cut-and-past its content per new functionality into Koha 

For the future, new functionalities developments could follow this path:

   1. Specifications are published on Koha wiki in RFC section.
   2. Developers design, code, test and validate with sponsoring library.
   3. Then a "developer level" documentation is published on Koha wiki
      at the same time the code is proposed to the RM.
   4. After integration of new code to main Koha, the Documentation
      Manager documents the new functionality based on the wiki

This process would avoid having orphan functionalities without any 
documentation or with incomplete documentation.

Frédéric DEMIANS
Koha-devel mailing list

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