Many thanks to gmcharlt for all his help on this.

It turns out that CPAN had installed the versions on these with perl 5.10 instead of the perl 5.8 that I was using.

So they were installed, koha just couldn't see them because they weren't in the path. gmcharlt helped me install these modules in their proper places.

I've still got problems to fix, but this was a major step forward.


Matthew Metzger wrote:

I am attempting to move a 2.2.9 installation to 3.0 alpha. I'm almost there, but there seem to be a few problems.

I have worked to install all the required perl modules and made sure that they were up to date. However, http://stam.library.admin.test/cgi-bin/koha/ says that the XML::LibXSLT and YAML::Syck modules are missing.

However, I know for sure that they are installed.

cpan[6]> install YAML::Syck
YAML::Syck is up to date (1.01).

cpan[7]> install XML::LibXSLT
XML::LibXSLT is up to date (1.66).

The intranet makes me log back in after every link I click within it. I cannot yet search the OPAC, but it is probably an unrelated problem.

thanks for any help you can give.


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