
The public git repository, gitweb, and gitstats running on
git.koha.org will be moved to a new server later today, and
consequently the DNS entry for git.koha.org will be changed to point
to the new server.

As noted earlier this week, gitweb is currently not functioning,
although the git repository itself remained accessible via the git
protocol.  The breakage was caused by our (LibLime's) attempt to apply
security updates on the virtual private server running git.koha.org.
However, this appears to have resulted in an incompatibility between
the C library and the kernel of either the host or client operating
system, which in turn prevented from Apache from running.  I apologize
for not providing more details of what went wrong, but at present I
don't have them.

Rather than spend even more time trying to resolve the issue on the
original box, we have transferred the public repository, gitweb, and
gitstats to another, more stable box.  The public git repository will
be frozen until we're sure that the DNS changes have had enough time
to propagate.

Please note that all patches submitted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] are still
in the hands of the QA and release managers; none of them are lost.

On behalf of LibLime, I apologize to the Koha community for the outage
and for our failure to resolve the problem more quickly.  I will post
again once the DNS change has taken place.  If any issues are
discovered with git on the new server, please CC me on any


Galen Charlton
Koha Application Developer
p: 1-888-564-2457 x709

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