I had done 12 customized frameworks in Koha version and at 
some point  I made an error - and I'm embarrassed that I don't know when 
the error got in since I worked on them pretty much all at once.
  I have only the one error and it is:
Item tag        There is more than 1 MARC tag related to items tab (10) : 

I've gone through every framework and don't  use any of those fields 
except the 952.  I did this sql statement to verify that was the case:
SELECT distinct tagfield
FROM `marc_subfield_structure`
WHERE `tagfield`
IN ('952', '955', '956', '960', '967', '980', '981', '982', '983', 
'984', '987', '990', '995', '998'
AND `kohafield` LIKE 'items.%';

and the results was one row: 952.

I've checked all the frameworks and even matched them against the demos 
so kindly posted on  I'm thinking that I may not be 
understanding what the error means, because I was assuming that it 
indicated that there might be a duplication in the koha link.  Can 
someone tell me what I should be looking for?

Thanks in advance.

Linda Culberson       
Archives and Records Services Division
Ms. Dept. of Archives & History
P. O. Box 571
Jackson, MS 39205-0571
Telephone:  601/576-6873
Facsimile:  601/576-6824

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