On 04/21/2011 01:57 PM, Paul wrote:
> Would some kind librarian with more than 10,000 biblios please try running
> the following Mysql report. I works as expected, except that the csv output
> truncates at 10,000.  If confirmed, I will attempt to post a bug.
> SELECT biblionumber,
> CONCAT('<a
> href=\"/cgi-bin/koha/catalogue/detail.pl?biblionumber=',biblionumber,'\">',title,'</a>')
> AS Title
> FROM biblio
> ORDER BY biblionumber
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Tired old sys-admin
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I can confirm it.  select count(*) biblio shows 15717 records.  Your 
test shows a high biblio number of 16266 but the csv output truncates at 
bibio number 10418 with 19903 lines in the file.

Stonewall National Museum

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