
Thanks for sharing this.  I'm sure it will help someone down the road even
if you don't get a thank you note!


2011/5/12 Susan Mustafa <>

> Dear All,
> I have resolved the issue.
> Basicly I followed the e-mail below,
> Except instead of XXXXsip\r, I put in my sipuser ID and sipuser passwords
> :).
> Hope this helps someone,
> What I have done,
> Changes made to the 3M Self Check Machines to work with Koha.
>    1. Login to 3M Self Check System Administration  web page.
>    2. Select the network menu
>    3. Scroll down to “Host Communications” and change
>       1. Communication Type “Telnet”
>       2. TCP Port “8041”
>       3. Host Name or IP “” (This is the test SIP server IP)
>       4. Scroll down to the 3M Command Center (CIMS) and click “Save
>       Changes”
>       5. Scroll down to “Send/Expect Scripts”  and click “Edit Login
>       Send/Expect”
> (in 2 and 3 below replace sipuserid with your SIP USER ID and
> sipuserpassword with your SIP USER PASSWORD , see below)
> No double quotes --
>    1. Click “Menu+”
>       1.  Send String (leave blank)
>       2. Expect String “login:”
>       3. Timeout “30”
>       4. Retries “3”
>       5. Click “Add”
>    2. Click “Menu+”
>       1. Send String “sipuserid\r”
>       2. Expect String “password:”
>       3. Timeout “30”
>       4. Retries “3”
>       5. Click “Add”
>    3. Click “Menu+”
>       1. Send String “sipuserpassword\r”
>       2. Expect String “Login OK.  Initiating SIP” (note 2 spaces after
>       “OK.”)
>       3. Timeout “30”
>       4. Retries “” (or 3 works as well)
>       5. Click “Add”
> On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 10:22 AM, Susan Mustafa 
> <>wrote:
>> Good Day All,
>> I hope that I may find someone who has come a cross this issue before:
>> Completed:
>> SIP 2 Server SETUP - Using
>> sipserver.xml has been changed to include the machine IP, + port 8023
>> Tested:
>> telnet 8023
>> login: someuser
>> password: somepassword
>> %s Initiating SIP OK.
>> did a command here and it returns 941 which is ok i guess.
>> ===================
>> Problem:
>> 3M SelfCheck System is showing [ Circulation System Operation Failure -
>> Unspecified Error] in RED.
>> We have already done everything, ensure the
>> username/password/ip/ports/configurations all CORRECT and still does not
>> work.
>> We have already done a telnet session [telnet xx.ip.xx.xx 8023] from
>> inside the 3M SelfCheck Machine [Command Line] and it works OK, returning us
>> results and everything.
>> We have attempted to do something like
>> but no use, it still does not work.
>> I hope someone has come a cross this issue when working with 3M SelfCheck
>> with KOHA
>> I appreciate all the help I can get, we have been stuck for over a week
>> attempting at resolving this.
>> Thank you all,
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Lori Bowen Ayre // Library Technology Consultant
The Galecia Group //
(707) 763-6869 //

<>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
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