Liz and Nicole,

Is there something we can do to make the search box more useful on the site?  The fact that it doesn't search the documentation
is very problematic.

I created a Google Search Engine which I rely on quite a bit.  I find it
much more useful than the search box on the website but it isn't able to
grab the documentation in any useful way either.
It's here:

I know the Evergreen folks had a similar problem and it was fixed.  You not
only access a wide variety of sources for Evergreen info (including the
documentation) but you can also limit your search by any of the sources
(e.g. Notices - limit to documentation).

Could I get you two to talk to the folks at Evergreen and figure out how
they did that?  I think it has something to do with the format of the
documentation on the website.

This seems like something that would really make the site and the
documentation much more useful so it seems important to me.  So, let me know
if I can help in any way.

Sent directly to Nicole and Liz because I know you two have a big hand in
both the website and the documentation (and a big thanks to you both for
that!)  Copied to others in case anyone has a brilliant idea that would help
us make it even better.


Lori Bowen Ayre // Library Technology Consultant
The Galecia Group //
(707) 763-6869 //

<>Specializing in open source ILS solutions, RFID,
workflow optimization, and materials handling
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